1First Comics on the road!
To recap, 1First Comics has had one hell of a convention season! Starting off with SAN DIEGO COMIC CON, 1First Comics saw its latest title, SPACE NEGRO: THE LAST NEGRO #1 by Jared Sams absolutely knock the socks off of everyone who bought a copy… and trust us, there were a lot of people who did!
Moving on, we then went to Indianapolis for GENCON where SERVING SUPES: YOU’VE BEEN SERVED! was introduced to and playtested by the many wonderful and amazing attendees to the world’s premier gaming convention! Based upon The Yuan Twins’ comic SERVING SUPES, SERVING SUPES: YOU’VE BEEN SERVED is a party game that has to be seen and played to be believed!
After that, 1First Comics hit EMERALD CITY COMIC CON in Seattle, COSMIC MONKEY COMICS in Portland, SILICON WITH ADAM SAVAGE in San Jose, and THE COMIC BUG in Culver City and Manhattan Beach! Fan reaction was amazing, the convention staff at all the cons and stores couldn’t have been greater!
How great was it? Well, not to brag, but every last issue of SPACE NEGRO’s pre-distribution edition sold out!!! We have a few artist’s proofs left, but not many! COSMIC MONKEY and COMIC BUG certainly know how to host an event! So if you have never visited COSMIC MONKEY COMICS in Portland or THE COMIC BUG in the Los Angeles area, do yourself a favor and drop on in!
With all that behind us, what’s next for 1First Comics, you ask? We’re glad you did because we’re not even close to being done! From September 16-18, 1First Comics will be at AMAZING LAS VEGAS COMIC CON! Stop on by our booth to check out our latest titles and maybe catch a glimpse at some upcoming projects from creators STEVE STERN, OMAHA PEREZ, and THE FILLBACH BROTHERS!
And even more exciting, catch 1First Comics’ president and editor-in-chief KEN F. LEVIN. Two-time Emmy nominee and an executive producer on the hit Amazon Prime series THE BOYS, Ken will be in attendance with THE BOYS creator GARTH ENNIS! Now if that’s not a way to cap off one helluva a convention season, well, we just don’t know what is!
So we’ve been a lot of places, but we’re going to a ton more! Stay tuned because more exciting news is coming soon!